7 Key Money Making Activities for Entrepreneurs


One of the first things you should do now that you realize you may be working with some money mindset issues is to make a list of the money-making activities that you can do each day and set it in your schedule.

Some activities will fall into the category of brand recognition, some will be around nurturing your customer base and others will be specific money making offers to prospects.

All you need to do is to determine which activities actually make money and decide what you will focus on in each category.


What are Money-Making Activities?

So, what exactly are these money-making activities? They vary depending on your business type and what your particular offerings are, but for solo entrepreneurs, they typically encompass:


List Building Activities: Consider specific list-building strategies to expand your reach and boost revenue potential. Whether it's creating or refining your freebie offers, improving opt-in forms, or making use of available technologies, each effort contributes to your bottom line.


Email Marketing: Your email list is a goldmine for revenue opportunities. Regularly engage with your subscribers, incorporating valuable insights and tips, sales-oriented messages to promote products, and testimonials or case studies to encourage conversions. A word of caution here. Make sure you balance offering value to your list with money making offers. A rule of thumb is 4 to 1. Four value emails to one offer.


Content Creation: Produce valuable content through blogging, podcasting, or video creation to establish yourself as an authority in your field. Share insights, tips, and case studies to engage your audience and attract potential clients.
Keep in mind that your content should be relevant to your offers and your brand. Reflect on how your piece of content adds to your customers buying journey.


Offer Creation and Promotion: Actively create and promote offers to your audience across various channels. Whether it's enticing freebies to attract leads or compelling paid products, diversifying your offerings fuels growth and engagement.


Nurture Your Network – Spending time and money on nurturing your network is an important money-making task. This may mean having coffee with a connection, going to an event, speaking somewhere, or making other connections that can lead to more opportunities. Beware that this can become ‘busy work’ and you should prioritize more direct money-making activities.


Focus on Follow up: When you have met someone, had a positive interaction with them somewhere or even had initial conversations with a prospect, you must follow up. A surprising number of businesses fail to follow up with prospects or contacts and are leaving money, and opportunities, on the table. Start by creating a follow up system that you can implement easily.


Complete Orders:  This is probably one of the most direct ways of making money and, amazingly, often overlooked. Focus on fulfilling orders promptly to ensure a steady stream of income. Whether it's delivering services or processing payments for passive income ventures, make sure you send those invoices and check on incoming payments.  Prioritize tasks that directly contribute to your money making targets.


Once you know what the tasks are that earn money, directly and indirectly, look at your calendar and start scheduling at least one money-making task into each day. If you have nothing to promote, that’s a sign that you need to create. If you have products and services to promote, that’s a sign that you need to be networking and making offers.




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