How Your Money History can Shape Your Business Decisions


Where does your money mindset come from? Why do you think the way you do?

While there are many contributing factors to the development of your money mindset, your history plays a huge part.


Exploring Your Money History

Consider your first money memory—was it receiving an allowance, saving up for something special, or perhaps observing how your parents handled money? These experiences teach us subtle lessons about the value of money, the effort it takes to earn it, and what it means to spend wisely—or not. Each of these memories contributes to the financial outcomes that play out in your own business today.


Let me share an example. As a young teenager I wanted a new pair of shoes. They were fancy high heels to wear to a school dance. My mother informed me that if I wanted them I’d have to buy them myself. After feeling a bit disgruntled – as many teens would, I decided to take on some after school work and save up for the shoes.

I can still remember the thrill of buying those shoes and the pride I had that I had paid for them myself. The effect it had on me was that I took responsibility for my own financial wellbeing.


Do you have memories like that? How do you think they have affected your attitude to money today?


The Influence on Your Business

Whether you approach business decisions with caution due to past financial problems or you embrace risk following early financial success, your past is always whispering in your ear. This isn’t just about what you choose to do with your money; it’s about your emotional response to financial opportunities and challenges, which can dramatically affect the trajectory of your business.

Make time today to think about your money history. What memory was most impactful and how has that played out in your business?






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