Money Mindset and Why it Matters in Your Business


Welcome to the Money Maker Series

If you could take some time to focus intensively on making more money in your business, how would that improve your financial situation?

For many of us, we work hard and put in the hours doing what we think we need to do in order to bring in more revenue, but is it actually working? Sometimes, we need to re-focus and look at ourselves and our business with a new perspective.

That’s what this set of blogs is all about. Focusing your attention on ways to improve your income.

It all starts with mindset.

You’re going to learn why mindset is important, how to change your mindset, and how it will explode your income. Money mindset makes a huge difference in how a person reaches and handles success.


What is Money Mindset?

Imagine money mindset as the lens through which you view all things financial—how you earn, save, spend, and invest your resources. It's shaped by a multitude of factors, from how your family discussed money as you were growing up to the financial lesson’s life has thrown your way, and let’s not forget your own money personality.
Your money mindset forms the basic belief system that influences every financial decision you make, both in your personal life and your business affairs.


Why It Matters

Think about the last major financial decision you made for your business. Were you confident or cautious? Excited or anxious? These reactions are tell-tale signs of your underlying money mindset.

If you have a poor mindset and fill your thoughts with limiting ideas, you may experience.


  • Less confidence in your skills – Because you don’t expect to succeed, you lack confidence in your abilities and skills. You don’t feel as if you deserve success, so you don’t experience it.


  • Inability to make logical money-based decisions – When it comes to money, due to all your fears surrounding money, and all the poor life lessons you’ve had your entire life regarding money, you find it stressful and hard to make choices and often make them based on fear instead of logic.


  • Problems repeating success – Sometimes a person with poor money mindset has success that shocks and surprises them. It could be work related, business related, or winning the lottery. A person with a poor money mindset will often end up right where they started if they don’t improve the way they think.


  • Stunted growth in your business – Due to your inability to make good choices based on facts rather than fear and assumption, you can stunt the growth of your business. You must be willing to invest in your business strategically to grow.


These mindset issues could affect every single part of your life, but you may not even notice it until you’re trying to start a business and get ahead. In order to break through this limiting mindset, you need to take time to work on understanding and shifting your mindset to a more positive and useful space.


A positive and healthy outlook on finances can lead to better decision-making, open doors to new opportunities, and instill a sense of financial confidence.




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