The Importance Of Protecting Your Data


When your computer is for personal use, a crash can be a real pain if your data wasn’t backed up.  If the computer you’re using to run your business isn’t backed up, a crash could be devastating.  It could take months to replace the data you lose, and much of it you may have to be rebuilt, costing you precious time and money.  You need a line of protection against this kind of loss.


The first line of protection for your computer is getting software to protect it from viruses, worms, and other malicious software that could ruin or steal information or even compromise your whole computer system.  While many people spend a lot of money on software programs, there are great virus scanners, and other protective software online for free.  And even if you do spend some money, it’s worth protecting your computer and everything on it.  


Just because you have protective software, doesn’t mean it’s...

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