Mastering the Skills to Sign New Clients


The art of signing up new clients is vital for the success of any service business. The ability to effectively acquire new clients is not just about employing the right techniques; it's about cultivating a success mindset that empowers you to approach potential clients with confidence and professionalism.   


Understanding the Importance of a Client-Centred Approach

Have you ever walked into a store only to have the salesperson start pitching every item in sight? Overwhelming, isn’t it? Now, think of a time when you entered a store and the salesperson greeted you, smiled and asked what you were looking for then listened to your needs before suggesting a perfect solution. Effective selling is about making the prospective client feel heard and understood. This approach not only builds trust but also increases the likelihood of a sale because your solutions are aligned with their needs.


Developing Your Sales Skills

To sign up new clients effectively,...

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3 Reasons You're Not Making More Money


If you are a coach or a service provider signing up new clients is your life blood. Serving clients consistently is your number one source of income but it’s not always easy to turn that prospect into a paying client.

Over my years of working with women in the service industry I have noticed three shortcomings that get in the way of them having all the clients they want.

  1. They charge by the hour
  2. They only offer single sessions or one off ‘fixes’
  3. They don’t like to ‘sell’ to their prospects.


When most coaches or service providers complete their training they know very little about how to attract and sign on new clients. The information they have probably received is to start out charging ‘X’ amount per hour and slowly build their reputation. Although this is one choice, it’s not a viable option for the long term.

Charging by the hour is a trap that causes stress because you are in a constant state of worry trying to...

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