Money Mindset Makeover

Are you ready to let go of money worries

but don't know where to start?



Dear Heart Centered Entrepreneur

I see you. I know that the work you do is transformational and that your reason for being in business is more to do with changing lives than boosting your bank account. But if there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that a business must make money in order to be sustainable.


What stops many heart centred entrepreneurs from getting their gifts out into the world and making the impact they desire isn’t motivation, spirit or drive, it’s their relationship with money.


Because money is at the heart of every decision you make in your life and your business.


Deep down you know that your money situation influences almost every aspect of your life, from where you go on vacation and the clothes you wear to how you raise your children and how you run your business. You understand that money plays a key role in all decisions. No matter what level of financial success you are at, your money beliefs impact how you live.

And that’s not your fault. You have an inherent money personality that contributes to how you view money. Add to that a lifetime of social conditioning and parental influence and ….you end up with your current money situation.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

If you want to...


~ Empower yourself when it comes to money

~ Allow money to work for you and not against you

~ Learn simple ways to discuss money in life’s most important situations, such as having  a meaningful money talk with your spouse and family. Having clear conversations with clients, so you stop discounting your value and speak from a place of inner confidence and own your worth.

~ Recognise your money blocks and understand what's in the way of you being able to make the money you deserve.  

~ Learn how your beliefs about money affect ALL OTHER PARTS OF YOUR LIFE

~ AND Create a positive relationship with money

....then this is for you!

Whether you're a coach, an experienced entrepreneur or a  start-up business owner, this program is about giving you the tools for up-levelling your life, your business and putting you on the path to money mastery.

Money Empowerment

Money Mindset Makeover Program

Remove any resistance to making more money, clearing the path for you to achieve financial success with grace and ease, knowing you deserve it.

This highly personalized Money Mindset Makeover Program includes;


  • A personal Sacred Money Archetype Reading where you'll learn about your "default mode" with money.  This reveals not only the habits that are holding you back but also highlights the strengths you possess and the ways you can put these to use. 

  • A deep dive into the impact of your money mindset and what your most powerful decisions will be to enhance your financial future. 

  • Learn how your self-talk and beliefs around money are sabotaging your financial success causing you to overwork and over-deliver and let go of unproductive, limiting assumptions that hold you back.

  • Isolate particular money stressors that are creating Money Anxiety and work on a plan to overcome these, including a debt recovery plan if necessary.

  • Empower Your Voice – Learn simple ways to discuss money in life's most important situations, such as with your spouse, family or with clients, so you stop discounting your worth and speak from a place of inner confidence, owning your value.

  • Change how you think and feel about money and your business, so that you can create momentum and establish the business you dream of.

  • And finally, you will create a powerful money mindset that will carry you through all your money decisions with confidence and assurance.


Everyone is different and has a different money story. With the Money Mindset Makeover Program we have the flexibility to tailor the coaching sessions to your unique requirements.

Sacred Money Archetypes® is a registered trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. licensed by Averil Maher.

Diane - Wellington NZ

"I was completely blown away by the accuracy of the Sacred Money Archetype reading I had recently. I immediately noticed a shift and clarity around this area which enabled me to finish the year strong and begin the New Year in a very focused and positive way - I can't wait to do some more work with Averil next year."

Results you can expect

On completing this program you will;

  • Know WHY you've been pushing money away from you and how to welcome money with open arms instead.
  • You will have created new money beliefs that will melt away inner blocks to prosperity.
  • Be armed with a powerful set of actions that you can start implementing immediately.    
  • Have the tools to grow stronger and more in control of your money destiny


90 Day Coaching Program Details

  • A Free Sacred Money Archetype Assessment to determine your particular Money Identity
  • A 90 minute kick-start call including your personalized Sacred Money Archetype Reading.
  • 6 one to one coaching sessions
  • Worksheets and exercises
  • 1 x 15 minute Emergency call ( if required)
  • Private Email support with me between calls during my coaching office hours ( 9-5 Monday to Friday)
Request More Info

By now you may think mastering your money mindset seems obvious, the process of transforming your relationship with money is anything but obvious.

Perhaps you have already done some money mindset work but are having trouble falling back into your old patterns or can’t seem to make the changes stick?

Maybe you’ve been stuck at a certain level of income and you scratch your head about why you aren’t going higher, then the money mindset work will help you get there.


At the end of the day you must consider what you really want to achieve in your life and your business. Doing what you adore and being well-compensated for it only comes after you’ve transformed your relationship with money and you are in energetic alignment with it.

When you sign up for this program, you’ll stop stressing about money, get out of lack, and you’ll fully step into your power and own your worth. Once that mindset is in place, you’ll confidently generate more money and attract the prosperity, abundance and freedom you desire.


So, you're probably wondering what the investment is for this extraordinary program? 


Before I go into that, let me ask you this question.

If you could dramatically up level your sense of your value, so that you were playing big in your business and in your life, how would that make a difference for you?

And knowing that money influences every aspect of your life and business, are you willing to invest in yourself and transform your relationship with money, once and for all?

Your Investment for the Money Mindset Makeover Program is $2997.00

Curious? Request a Perfect Fit Conversation. It costs nothing to find out more.


Think this might be for you? Book a Call

Mukesh - Mumbai India

"I would like to share my experience working with Averil.
The way she walked me through the entire program and those insightful and powerful questions.
I was just blown away. Had so many revelations about my relationship with money. And how my childhood played big role in conditioning my relationship with money.
 My deepest fear and boundaries were revealed. 
 I am much more confident now when it comes to moving forward with money.
Much more comfortable now sharing coaching fees to clients.
 The need for validation or seeking approval from others is no longer on my mind. Wherein, I used to seek approval from clients and used to think if they will like me or not. And was really petrified to talk about fees. What if they say NO? I will lose a client.
 Now, I totally feel energetic, enthusiastic and pumped after the program.
 Have a set of action plans which I need to work on.
 If you are someone who is struggling with money mindset and money love-hate relationship, then I will highly recommend Averil.
 Have a session with her and you will be blown away. She will make you dig deep to the darkest areas, where usually people don't like to explore."
Mukesh Kureel   - Business Coach 

Book Your Call

Find out if this Money Mindset Makeover Program is right for you.
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